Booking an appointment is really easy. Find the ‘Appointment’ button located on many areas of our website. You can also call us.

All treatments are client specific resulting in different subtotal costs. We only charge by ODHA fees and these fees are already set less than the dentist fee guide.

Cleaning intervals are client specific. This can be determined after your initial dental hygiene assessment appointment. Each and every client is unique.

At Birchcliff Dental, we strive to provide a high quality of preventative dental care. We offer a family-friendly environment for all!

About us

We are dedicated to providing the best dental care in town. Choose from our wide variety of whitening services and modern dental technology.

Working Hours

Mon - Fri: 9.00 am - 7.00 pmSat & Sun: 10.00 am - 3.00 pm


Phone: 416-519-2702Email: info@birchcliffdental.ca105-1340 Kingston Rd. Toronto Ontario, MIN 1P6 Get Directions