
Teeth sealants are a type of filling that protects teeth from cavities. They are usually placed in the pits and grooves of a child’s back teeth to trap food particles from getting into the pits and helping decay grow

At Birchcliff Dental, we believe that sealants are a critical component to maintaining a healthy state of your teeth. Sealants are tooth-colored fillings used to harden the area around the tooth where cavities most easily develop. Call today to schedule your appointment with our team to have sealants applied at your next dental visit!

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About us

We are dedicated to providing the best dental care in town. Choose from our wide variety of whitening services and modern dental technology.

Working Hours

Mon - Fri: 9.00 am - 7.00 pmSat & Sun: 10.00 am - 3.00 pm


Phone: 416-519-2702Email: info@birchcliffdental.ca105-1340 Kingston Rd. Toronto Ontario, MIN 1P6 Get Directions