Teeth Cleaning

Our teeth cleaning service is perfect for people who want to keep their teeth sparkling clean and healthy. Our trained hygienists will expertly clean your teeth and remove any plaque or infection.

Our hygienist will clean your teeth with a proper technique. This helps prevent the formation of plaque, bacteria and food particles that can cause tooth decay. We have the dental tools and expertise to help maintain your mouth healthy, so you can continue to smile with confidence.

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About us

We are dedicated to providing the best dental care in town. Choose from our wide variety of whitening services and modern dental technology.

Working Hours

Mon - Fri: 9.00 am - 7.00 pmSat & Sun: 10.00 am - 3.00 pm


Phone: 416-519-2702Email: info@birchcliffdental.ca105-1340 Kingston Rd. Toronto Ontario, MIN 1P6 Get Directions