
Birchcliff Dental offers x-ray services to patients in order to identify damage or disease which may not be evident by visual examination. X-ray is an important tool that is used in order to provide additional information and evidence when you are unsure if a dental problem exists. X-rays can help detect decay, hidden tooth decay under fillings, cavities not visible when cleaned, foreign objects such as broken off braces or restorations, infections around the roots of teeth, jawbone changes below the gum line (periodontitis), orthodontic issues including space loss due to crowding of teeth, trauma and/or stomatognathic disorders such as TMJ syndrome. If a problem is spotted by Dr. Carlisle during your next checkup and he will recommend obtaining additional x-rays in order to see the problem more clearly.

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About us

We are dedicated to providing the best dental care in town. Choose from our wide variety of whitening services and modern dental technology.

Working Hours

Mon - Fri: 9.00 am - 7.00 pmSat & Sun: 10.00 am - 3.00 pm


Phone: 416-519-2702Email: info@birchcliffdental.ca105-1340 Kingston Rd. Toronto Ontario, MIN 1P6 Get Directions